Valerie Passes USEF Final Exam for ‘S’ Event Judge License
The event at Richland Park is a destination for many eventers – and eventing officials included! This year was no exception as the USEA and USEF held a final exam for all eventing official candidates. Valerie was a grateful recipient of the inaugural Roger Haller Scholarship
and used this award to pursue both her FEI 1/2* license internationally as well as her ‘S’ license nationally. At Richland, Valerie tested for the ‘S’ eventing judge license which would allow her to be President of the Ground Jury through the Advanced level. As an eventing judge, great emphasis is put on the judging and scoring of the dressage. Additionally as President of the Ground Jury one must be able to approve of the XC and jumping courses, their safety and appropriateness, and adjudicate over matters like horse and rider welfare.
Becoming an eventing official is a very rewarding way to stay involved in the sport at the uppermost levels as well as giving back to the sport on every level! Valerie finds the continuing training and education as a huge bonus to her riding and training program. And likewise her riding and training provide her with helpful insight as an official. Valerie encourages everyone to get involved! If you would like more information on how to become a licensed official click here:
On a sad note – it was bittersweet for Valerie to attend the 2017 Richland Park – just weeks after the competition the organizers announced it was the last. Valerie enjoyed competing annually at Richland Park, from the BN thru Advanced! It is a destination event that will be truly missed. Valerie wishes to thank the hundreds of people that made this event the success that it was over the years.